Campaign with us

6 people standing in a line, holding signs that together read 'Together, we can end poverty'
Campaigning is a vital way we can fight back against UK poverty. Will you join us? 

Across the UK, poverty is robbing millions of people of dignity and hope. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Together we can rebuild our society to provide an adequate safety net for any of us who need it, enabling people to live a life full of dignity, joy and hope.

For over 25 years we’ve fought to see an end to poverty in the UK, working with third-sector organisations, politicians, churches and campaigners to speak up on behalf of those being crushed under the weight of poverty and debt. There’s only one way we can fight back – together. Will you campaign with us?

Recent campaigning successes: putting poverty on the general election agenda

In the lead up to the general election, we’ve been asking you to write to your local candidates, asking vital questions about poverty. Poverty is a matter of public urgency and needs to be treated as such. Together, we started over 5,700 conversations about poverty, a foundation which we can build upon as we continue to raise the voices of those with lived experience of debt and poverty in the UK.

Thank you to every one of you in our campaigning community for getting involved. You’ve helped put poverty on the agenda in over 460 constituencies across the UK, and you can see your collective impact via our UK map.

Anthony, now debt free through CAP, and passionate campaigner

The smallest thing can create the biggest reaction. The more people we can get to come together, the louder the voice will be, and that will have the biggest impact. 

Anthony became debt free through CAP and is now passionate about campaigning on behalf of others experiencing poverty. 

What is campaigning?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a campaign as a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim’. 

Campaigning, then, means being a part of an intentional, organised activity that has a clear goal. And that’s exactly what we’re doing: taking practical, purposeful action to re-shape our society so that everyone can thrive.

Here at Christians Against Poverty (CAP), we cannot sit back and let poverty continue to wreak havoc in people’s lives. We’re fighting back – will you join us?

Campaigning with CAP can look like many things, such as:

  • Inviting your MP to roundtables or other Parliamentary events
  • Writing to the Prime Minister or adding your name to the latest petitions
  • Inviting local MPs to visit your local CAP Centre
  • Raising awareness of poverty in your local community
  • Joining CAP’s campaigning community to stay up to date with our latest campaigns and ways you can get involved

Will you take action and campaign with us today?

Join CAP’s campaigning community and get involved with our latest campaigning activity

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What can the Bible teach us about the importance of campaigning?

As Christians, we believe God’s desire for us is not that we merely survive – he wants us to thrive. That’s the transformation we should chase after. A person having just enough’ to live on shouldn’t satisfy our hunger for justice.

The Bible makes it clear that Jesus cared about those living in poverty, and instructs us to love our neighbours, especially those in need, through the actions we take. We are to feed the hungry, and make sure everyone’s basic needs are met to the best of our ability. When we do this, Jesus says we do the same to him – what an honour.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat… I needed clothes and you clothed me… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. 

Matthew 25:34–40 (abbrev.)

In the same way, Proverbs 31 offers us clear instructions to take action: Speak up.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. 

Proverbs 31:8–9

And finally, with poverty destroying people’s dignity, joy and hope every day, there’s the reminder that God’s heart is for everyone to experience life to the full, and that starts with us taking a stand and refusing to allow poverty to win the fight.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 

John 10:10

Together we can see an end to UK poverty, one transformed life, thriving local church, or targeted campaign action at a time. Will you campaign with us?

Two men and a woman, standing in a park with a Scottish castle behind them. Each holds a sign. The first reads justice, the second reads together we can end UK poverty, and the third reads compassion.

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Campaign with us