Our vision, values and ethos

Older woman stood outside and smiling while looking up to the sky.
Transformed lives. Thriving churches. An end to UK poverty. This is the world we want to see. 

Across the UK, millions of people are experiencing a poverty crisis, leaving them feeling trapped, desolate and abandoned. We are Christians Against Poverty. We cannot accept a society where poverty exists.

So we take action. And we also experience the daily privilege of seeing people discover hope as they begin to work with CAP and their local church. Tens of thousands of lives have been positively impacted through the powerful combination of practical help, restorative church communities and Jesus’ love.

Transformed lives. Thriving churches. An end to UK poverty. 

This is the world we want to see. This is the world we passionately seek.

Our vision

We want to see people across the UK released from poverty, living with faith in Jesus and hope for the future.

We want to see churches that have become the beating heart of their communities, actively serving them and bringing the hope of Jesus.

We want to see a hope-filled society, free from poverty, with churches united to improve the lives of those facing debt and financial hardship.

Our mission

We’re on a mission to release people across the UK from poverty, to enable churches to help end poverty through their communities, and to encourage people to live with faith, actively served by their church.

Our values

Jesus first. Always. We share the gospel and are guided by his teaching. We demonstrate unwavering compassion, faith and integrity with each other as well as those we serve, partner with and are supported by.

We’re Christ-centred when we seek to behave like him in every action. We know that it’s in God’s strength, as his co-workers, that we do our work to bring his kingdom here on earth. Prayer and worship are patterns of our daily behaviour, and we inspire and equip churches as a channel of God’s grace to the world.

We know we can’t solve poverty alone, so we collaborate. We deliver our services in mutual relationship with the UK Church, and partner with individuals, groups and people of influence to reach our vision. We learn from all voices, welcome diverse perspectives and remain agile in our approach. We innovate together to solve problems and make a dynamic impact on UK poverty. 

We’re collaborative when we work transparently, pursue excellence and remove hierarchy. We co-design with those who’ve experienced poverty, knowing their expertise delivers stronger solutions for everyone. By working together in this way, we collectively bring Jesus’ message to the world.

Jesus wept. And so do we. Driven by a deep hunger for justice and mercy, we put others first and understand their experiences, showing empathy and care for those we serve, our partners, supporters and each other. We’re moved to action every day by the poverty we see in our broken world.

We’re compassionate when we’re intentionally kind, listen actively, set boundaries, prioritise wellbeing, and offer and receive thoughtful feedback. With faith in Jesus’ restorative justice, we pursue restoration and seek reconciliation.

Whatever the reality of poverty throws at us, we choose joy. The deep joy that comes from being rooted in Christ is our strength and brings strength to others. Every day, we embrace thankfulness, rejoicing with our church partners when those we serve experience moments of faith and hope on their journey, discovering life to the full.

We don’t ignore or minimise challenging circumstances, but intentionally focus on God’s goodness amidst them, remaining thankful through the difficult and rewarding journey of serving people who experience poverty. We’re joyful when we celebrate every win, big or small, for those we serve and partner with.

Poverty won’t give up, so neither will we. Our team and ministry is dynamic and determined. We stand uncompromisingly on our faith in Jesus and fearlessly follow him into the darkest places. We embody courage and conviction in all we do, presenting the gospel message in words and actions. 

We’re bold when we take full responsibility for our actions and outcomes to deliver exceptional service to our church partners and those we serve. Boldness means speaking truth to power, challenging the injustices that drive poverty, inspiring others to take action, offering prayer and choosing Christ-like actions.

Our ethos

We believe that everyone should be treated with dignity, live in freedom and have equal opportunities. When we can draw on our differences, each of us feels accepted and able to contribute.

We also believe that God gave us responsibility for stewarding the Earth well. This includes caring for both humanity and the environment.

As God’s people, our prayer is that where God’s heart breaks, ours will too. We’re committed to improving our society, so that it more closely reflects God’s kingdom and values.

As we do this, we’re taking steps towards our vision.

Our faith

Faith is hugely important to those of us that work at CAP. It’s the fuel in our engine.